Wealth Management Case Study #1

A client came to us with an income stream and investment portfolio consisting of more than enough funds to maintain her lifestyle for the remainder of her years. Her children are grown and have young families of their own. While her previous investment firm encouraged her to continue to invest and grow her portfolio so that she might have more to leave her children upon her passing, we asked her what it would mean to share with her children while she was still living.

After initially being surprised to such an idea, her eyes filled with tears thinking about the joy it would give her to see her children benefit from her gift. We figured out what amount would be responsible, and that joy was soon experienced when she gave each of her children a check.



Disclosure: Case studies are shown for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as advice or interpreted as a recommendation. Past performance is not a guarantee of and may not be indicative of future results. Individual results may be materially different than the results portrayed and may include recommendations that are not successful.